By Ryan Dahnert
The Jordan School Board held its organizational meeting on Monday evening. At the beginning of the meeting Lauren Pedersen, Molly Monyok, and new board member Christina Olson took a ceremonial oath of office administered by Deb Pauly.
Next, board officers were elected. Deb Pauly was elected to another term as Board Chair and Molly Monyok was elected Vice-Chair. Lauren Pedersen was elected Clerk and Corinne Hennen was elected Treasurer.
Committee Assignments
Committees assignments were approved as follows:
Budget/Finance: All board members
Calendar: Jenny Kuske
City/School: Deb Pauly, Lauren Pedersen
Community Education/Recreation: Corinne Hennen
District Advisory Committee: Deb Pauly, Jenny Kusske, Student Board Representative Henry Brick
Facilities: Deb Pauly, Molly Monyok
Meet and Confer/Continuing Education/Staff Development: Deb Pauly, Molly Monyok
Negotiations: Deb Pauly, Lauren Pederson
Policy: Deb Pauly, Corinne Hennen, Chrissy Olson
American Indian Parent Advisory Council (AIPAC): Deb Pauly
Booster Club: Lauren Pedersen, Chrissy Olson
Education Foundation: Molly Monyok, Jenny Kusske
Legislative: Deb Pauly
MSHSL: Deb Pauly
SCALE: Lauren Pedersen
Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC): Molly Monyok
SW Metro Intermediat District: Deb Pauly
Board Compensation
Annual board member compensation was then discussed. It was stated that board compensation has not been adjusted in many years. After reviewing board compensation in other districts it was noted that compensation is on the lower end of comparable districts. Rob Langheim emphasized that being a board member is about giving back to the community. After further discussion, the board voted unanimously to leave board compensation unchanged as follows:
Board Member: $2,500 / year
Chair: $500 / year
Vice-Chair: $300 / year
Treasurer: $300 / year
Half-Day Meetings: $125 / meeting
Full Day Meeting: $225 / meeting
Substitute Middle School Principal
Among other business the board voted to appoint Rose Gulbranson as the Middle School Substitute Principal while Principal Ben Bakeberg is serving in the MN House of Representatives. The legislative session begins on January 14th. Gulbranson has filled in for Principal Bakeberg each of the previous two legislative sessions as Bakeberg represents District 54B in St. Paul.